If you got building material retail store, yoy can integrate program with all the trading devices: the scales, cash register, barcode scanner and the bank Terminal. The cashiers seewarehouse balances in live mode: as a result, they work faster and the number of errors in the sales process is minimized
If you sell services along with products, you can count these of them together. For example, if you sell a door and it is installed by your craftsman, you can count them in a single document: the craftsman salary, the door and its various parts, so the program will get you the real cost of the whole service provided
In the Balance you can programmatically compose the product: write down all the necessary details for the finished door in a single document: wood material, handle and anchors. Balance will calculate the all costs together and when selling the door all used materials will be automatically written off from the warehouse
You can:
If import construction materials, you’ll be able to count all the import and other additional expenses in the product cost. This allows you to know what’s the real price of each product and control the margins